Saturday, March 31, 2007

Liking and Linking

Two quick comments/observations:
1) I'm liking blogging more and more. It's as easy as email and has more potential.
2) It was great to have the individual attention provided at the drop-in session with Amanda and Kelly. Thank you for spending your time and sharing your expertise ...... and for showing patience even with the dumbest of questions. Here's Emerging Technologies as a link to this blog.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Moving On

I have completed week four's activities and am about to move on to week five, but before I do, I want to Blog about my experience.
I know I have said it before, but it amazes me how these activities are so totally absorbing! I need to remind myself to keep checking the clock when working on them because I lose all sense of time.
I have created a page on myfavouritebooks and added Virtual Travel to Digital Reference. Both wikis were easy to follow and manipulate. My difficulty with the Digital Reference Wiki was in deciding what to add. After reading through the tutorial, the phrase 'try adding......whatever you think might be useful' left me staring at the computer screen for a long time, stumped for an idea.
I am very grateful for this oppurtunity to be exposed to these new technologies but I am overcome with a feeling of 'so much to play with and so little time' and I know I am just barely scratching the surface.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Week Four

I am still playing catch-up. Week five's activities have been posted and I am still engaged in completing week four's assignments. I have been checking out wikis and have created a page on Myfavouritebooks but there is so much more to explore. I am amazed at how 'time' gets consumed whenever I sit down to these activities. Black holes could learn something from their powers. I am looking forward to having the two weeks which are slated for further exploration and I am excited about the workshops planned in the Wong classroom - I feel I really need the 'human' aid and hands-on direction.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Rather than beginning Week Four and its activities tonight, I decided to spend some more time visiting the blogs of other participants in the Learning 2.0@Mac program. There are some amazing and very interesting ramblings out there and I have only gotten about half way through. This too is addicting! I'm hoping that I will be able to apply what I read in Blog Adventures(Tam's blog) about 'how to add a link to Google Reader to my Blog(on the right side bar)'??. I also spent some time wandering through Blogger's Help pages. I will sleep on this information in the hope that it will all come together in the light of day.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Next Step

I've been taking some 'baby steps of discovery' and am clearly still at the 'more questions than answers' stage, but as I navigate around the sites, my comfort level is increasing. I have chosen Google Reader as my aggregator and have started subscribing to some of the feeds suggested. That part is fun and so far it all seems fairly easy but I am aware that I have barely scratched the surface and my understanding is rudimentary at best. I now need to find a way to add the subscribed feeds to my blog??

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Getting Started

Mastering Web 2.0 tools will mean experimenting, exploring & manipulating the materials and if I intend to 'get it down pat' and learn these new technologies, I shouldn't put it off any longer. As it is, I am already off to a late start and I have some catching up to do. I am excited about the opportunity that ETG is providing by offering this series of 'fun activities'. I'm sure there will be moments of confusion and doubt but hopefully it will lead to eventual enlightenment........or at least an increased comfort level when dealing with these tools!!?!!